Social Housing,
Dar-Es-Salaam (Tanzania)
The project proposal essentially consists of about 10,000 dwelling units, to be developed in 3 phases on a green field as identified by His highness, the king of Tanzania. The social housing aims to cater to all sections of the society, keeping in mind their socio-economic background, their demography, and their future needs.
In such a development, the level of the housing quality stems from the fulfillment of the basic and superior living standards within the dwelling unit, as well as the amount of complementary services, housing utilities and amenities, including health, education, shopping, working, recreation, etc. The satisfaction of all human needs and desires represents a very wide range of factors, which were taken into account and consequently incorporated in the living environment. The creation of mixed areas with the optimal proportion of residential units, amenities, working and public spaces facilitated the design of convenient, pleasant spaces for the largest possible spectrum of users and dwellers. Design of the residential areas was considered as a multi-functional unit consisting of mutually interconnected architectural elements that constitute the cultural and social milieu.
They cover all standard needs of the individual and community expressive of its way of life. In the architectural context it implies the items of everyday usage, which increase the standard of living.